Tae Kwon Do is a Korean martial art that integrates kicking, striking, blocking and avoiding techniques. Its techniques and philosophy began development more than 2000 years ago.

In its pure form, Tae Kwon Do is an essentially linear hard-style martial art emphasising explosive and dynamic kicking techniques. From the black belt level, students advance into non-linear or circular aspects of the art.
The practice of Tae Kwon Do involves the beneficial stretching and conditioning of the entire body; improves concentration, discipline and self confidence; and promotes good character and ethical conduct.
In recent years, the techniques of Tae Kwon Do have benefited from on-going scientific scrutiny by Tae Kwon Do Masters and human movement experts.
In Australia, Walsh Martial Arts Australia has led the movement to adopt the latest research and development to ensure that it teaching programme and methods produce the most scientifically advanced martial artists in the world.
Hapkido is a Korean martial art that integrates striking, avoiding and blocking, joint locking, holding, throwing, weapons and internal energy techniques into a single, coherent martial art.

‣ continuous flow
‣ circular motion
‣ non-resistance
Hapkido utilises approximately 1000 core techniques that can be intuitively combined or modified by the practitioner to create tens of thousands of applications. It is an extremely practical and versatile martial art that is widely used by law enforcement and military professionals around the world.
Hapkido emphasises the integration of the body, mind and spirit; the perfection of human character; social responsibility; and the use of appropriate force in a self-defence situation. Internal energy development is fundamental to Hapkido training, and leads to better health and greater efficiency in the art's self-defence techniques.
Students of Walsh Martial Arts Australia who attain the rank of Tae Kwon Do Cho Dan Bo or higher are personally taught Hapkido by Grandmaster Terence Walsh (8th Dan Black Belt, Korea), Master Rodney Lee Walsh (7th Dan Black Belt, Korea), Master Andrew Walsh (5th Dan Black Belt, Korea) and Master Jonathan Walsh (5th Dan Black Belt, Korea).
The early masters of Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido deliberately incorporated the concept of “Do” into the naming of their martial arts. The concept of “Do” is essential to our understanding and practice of Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido as martial arts.

The essential meaning of “Do” is “art” or “philosophical way leading righteously forward”. As applied to Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido:
‣ the concept of “art” describes the physical expression of the human instinct for self preservation through the practice of refined and aesthetically pleasing self-defence techniques; and
‣ the concept of “way” describes the spiritual realisation that comes with the development of personal character through the mastery of self-defence skills and a harmonious existence with the laws of nature.
Hence, Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido are not just sports or mere systems of self-defence. The concept of “Do” pervades and motivates the instruction of Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido in all Walsh Martial Arts Australia schools.
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‣ Walsh Martial Arts Australia Facebook Page | www.facebook.com/walshtkd
‣ World Kido Federation | www.kidohae.com
‣ Hanminjok Hapkido Association | www.hmjhapkido.or.kr
‣ The Official Website of the Republic of Korea | www.korea.net